龚剑亮 特聘教授 |
发布人:刘冰玉 发布时间:2021-04-22 浏览次数:6654 |
龚剑亮博士,特聘教授,研究生导师 龚剑亮特聘教授本科、硕士和博士先后毕业于南昌大学(2009)、厦门大学(2012)和香港理工大学(2017),江西省“双千计划”创新领军青年人才,江西省高层次和急需紧缺海外引智人才,首批江西省省级示范研究生导师创新团队成员。 在香港理工大学从事博士后研究三年后,于2020年以校高层次人才优秀海归一类加盟江西师范大学高等研究院/氟硅能源材料与化学教育部重点实验室(学术带头人:陈义旺教授),负责组建具有多学科交叉会聚与多技术跨界融合特点的功能软材料与智能穿戴研究小组,专注于理解接触起电表界面基本科学问题,发展生物机械能高效管理技术,开展新型有机硅功能软材料创制及贴皮可穿戴柔性外骨骼生态系统构建特色研究,主要面向医疗健康和虚拟现实交互等领域应用。 目前主持完成/在研国家自然科学基金青年基金和国防科技173计划等各类项目10余项,总资助超300万人民币;主笔申请成功香港GRF和ITF项目7项,获批项目资金近1000万港币。已发表Advance Materials等各类国际顶刊/权威论文30余篇,受邀各类同行评议顶级国际/国家会议和同行邀请专题报告20余项,其中包括瑞士联邦材料科学与技术研究室(EMPA)、美国明尼苏达大学双城分校和香港大学等国(境)内外顶级高校/机构。 拥有国际、国家和地区各项发明专利近20项,转化多项;相关技术和产品荣获中国(上海)国际发明创新展览会金奖、日内瓦国际发明展览会评判特别嘉许金奖和中国发明协会发明创业奖创新奖一等奖等国内外行业权威奖项10余次,获邀出席香港特别行政区行政长官主持“香港发明·扬威海外”主题政府嘉奖会,得到加拿大金融邮报、香港政府新闻网、文汇网、明报和巴士的报等国(境)内外媒体广泛报道。江西省材料协会理事、南昌海外联谊会理事、团结香港基金MEET团成员。 学习工作经历: 2005.09 - 2009.06:南昌大学材料科学与工程学院,高分子材料科学与工程,工学学士 2009.09 - 2012.06:厦门大学材料学院/化学化工学院,高分子化学与物理,理学硕士(导师:李磊教授) 2009.10 - 2010.08:中科院上海有机化学研究所,高分子可控活性聚合,联合培养(导师:马志研究员) 2012.07 - 2013.08:香港理工大学功能性及智能型纺织品及成衣纳米科技中心,助理研究员(合作导师:徐宾刚教授、陶肖明讲座教授) 2013.09 - 2017.09:香港理工大学时装及纺织学院,应用科学与纺织学,哲学博士(导师:陶肖明讲座教授、徐宾刚教授和李磊教授) 2017.08 - 2020.08:香港理工大学功能性及智能型纺织品及成衣纳米科技中心,博士后研究员(合作导师:徐宾刚教授) 2020.07 - 至今: 江西师范大学高等研究院/氟硅能源材料与化学教育部重点实验室,特聘教授 承担的主要科研项目: 1) 国家自然科学基金地区科学基金(52463028),32.5万,2025.01 – 2028.12,主持 2) 国家自然科学基金青年基金(52103278),30万,2022.01 - 2024.12,主持 3) 173计划技术领域基金项目(2021-xxxx-xx-xxxx),主持,在研 4) 江西省创新领军人才长期(青年)项目(jxsq2023101108),100万,2023.01 - 2025.12,在研,主持 5) 江西省高层次和急需紧缺海外人才引进计划引智专项(20212BCJ25001),30万,2020.07 - 2025.07,主持,在研 6) 江西师范大学高层次人才(优秀海归一类)引进科研启动专项经费,50万,2020.07 - 2025.07,主持,在研 7) 江西师范大学省一流学科“揭榜挂帅”高水平论文培育项目,20万,2022.03 - 2025.12,主持,在研 8) 香港理工大学Micro Fund微型基金项目(E-20-010),12万港币,2020.06 - 2021.06,主持,结题 9) 香港科学园Science and Technology Entrepreneur Programme项目(STEP-435),10万港币,2020.03 - 2021.03,主持,结题 10) 香港理工大学Lean Launchpad Programme项目(LLP-19-002),5万港币,2019.04 - 2019.07,主持,结题 11) 香港与内地高等学校师生交流项目,1.5万,2015.04 - 2015.07,主持,结题 荣誉和奖励: 江西省引进培养创新创业高层次人才 江西省高层次和急需紧缺海外人才 中国(上海)国际发明创新展览会金奖 日内瓦国际发明展览会评判特别嘉许金奖 中国发明协会发明创业奖创新奖一等奖 首批江西高校省级示范研究生导师创新团队成员 代表性论文: 1) Haiyan Fu, Jiangliang Gong*, Junhao Cao, Zehua Zhang, Zuchang Long, Bao Yang, Jianzhuang Chen, Yiwang Chen*, Xiaoming Tao, Understanding contact electrification via direct covalent bond cleavage of polymer chains for ultrahigh electrostatic charge density, Energ. & Environ. Sci., 2024, 17 (11): 3776 - 3787. ( IF=32.4 ) 2) Yunfei Lin, Xinhui Cheng, Liqiong Xia, Jin Liu, Qian Zhang, Jianliang Gong, Yiwang Chen*, Flexible Integration and Wearable Application of Belt-Type Human Microenvironment Visualization Monitoring System, Acta Polym. Sin., 2024, 55 (6): 718 – 728. ( Invited Paper ) 3) Liqiong Xia, Jiqing Zeng, Yalan Xiao, Jianliang Gong*, and Yiwang Chen*, Surface-Grafting Modification of Attapulgite Nanorods with Polysiloxane Coupling Agents for Highly-Efficient Mechanical and Triboelectric Performance Enhancement of Silicone Rubbers, Compos. Part B - Eng., 2024, 271: 111170. ( IF=13.1 ) 4) Jianliang Gong, Shenyang Ye, Yan Luo, Liqiong Xia, Bingyu Liu, and Yiwang Chen*, Contact Electrification Spectrum for Performance Enhancement Mechanism Investigation of Triboelectric Nanogenerators based on Silicone Elastomers with Different Surface Microstructures, Chinese J. Polym. Sci., 2023, 41: 1591 - 1598, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10118-023-3008-1(Invited Paper for Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Establishment of Polymer Program at Peking University) 5) Haiyan Fu, Zuchang Long, Mingxuan Lai, Junhao Cao, Rihui Zhou, Jianliang Gong*, and Yiwang Chen*, Quantum Dot Hybridization of Piezoelectric Polymer Films for Non-Transfer Integration of Flexible Biomechanical Energy Harvesters, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2022, 14 (26): 29934 - 29944. ( IF=9.5 ) 6) Haiyan Fu, Jianliang Gong*, Hao Zhong, Bao Yang, Zuchang Long, Jiqing Zeng, Zhiyu Cheng, Jialin He, Bingang Xu, and Yiwang Chen*, Surface Microstructural Engineering of Silicone Elastomers for High Performance Adhesive Surface-Enabled Mechanical Energy Harvesters, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2022, 10: 9643 - 9654.( IF=11.9 ) 7) Jianliang Gong, Bingang Xu*, 3D Conformal Surface Engineering of Continuous Fibers with Porous Microstructures for 1D Advanced Functional Materials, Macromol. Mater. Eng., 2021, 306, 4: 2000699. 8) Junxian Huang, Xiaoyang Guan, Bingang Xu*, Jianliang Gong, Yuanyuan Gao, and Meiqi Li, Surface Porous Microstructured Fibers with Customized Functionalities for 1D Functional Materials, Compos. Part B - Eng., 2021, 223: 109112. ( IF=13.1 ) 9) Xiaoyang Guan#, Jianliang Gong#, and Bingang Xu*, Three-Dimensional Conformal Porous Microstructural Engineering of Textile Substrates with Customized Functions of Brick Materials and Inherent Advantages of Textiles, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 12 (15): 17967 - 17978. ( IF=9.5 ) 10) Jianliang Gong, Bingang Xu*, Yujue Yang, Mengjia Wu, and Bao Yang, An Adhesive Surface Enables High Performance Mechanical Energy Harvesting with Unique Frequency-Insensitive and Pressure-Enhanced Output Characteristics, Adv. Mater., 2020, 32 (14): 1907948. ( IF=29.4) 11) Xiaoyang Guan, Bingang Xu*, Jianliang Gong, Hierarchically Architected Polydopamine Modified BaTiO3@P (VDF-TrFE) Nanocomposite Fiber Mats for Flexible Piezoelectric Nanogenerators and Self-Powered Sensors, Nano Energy, 2020, 70: 104516. ( IF=17.6 ) 12) Jianliang Gong, Bingang Xu*, Xiaoyang Guan, Yuejiao Chen, Shengyan Li, Jie Feng, Towards Truly Wearable Energy Harvesters with Full Structural Integrity of Fiber Materials, Nano Energy, 2019, 58: 365 - 374. ( IF=17.6 ) 13) Yuejiao Chen, Bingang Xu*, Jianliang Gong, Jianfeng Wen, Tao Hua, Chi-Wai Kan, Jiwei Deng, Design of High-Performance Wearable Energy and Sensor Electronics from Fiber Materials, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 11 (2): 2120 - 2129. ( IF=9.5 ) 14) Yuejiao Chen, Bingang Xu*, Jianfeng Wen, Jianliang Gong, Tao Hua, Chi-Wai Kan, and Jiwei Deng, Design of Novel Wearable, Stretchable, and Waterproof Cable-Type Supercapacitors Based on High-Performance Nickel Cobalt Sulfide-Coated Etching-Annealed Yarn Electrodes, Small, 2018, 14, 21: 1704373. ( IF=13.3 ) 15) Su Liu*, Jianliang Gong, and Bingang Xu*, Three-Dimensionally Conformal Porous Polymeric Microstructures of Fabrics for Electrothermal Textiles with Enhanced Thermal Management, Polymers, 2018, 10: 748. 16) Jianliang Gong, Bingang Xu*, and Xiaoming Tao, Breath Figure Micromolding Approach for Regulating the Microstructures of Polymeric Films for Triboelectric Nanogenerators, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 5: 4988 - 4997. ( IF=9.5 ) 17) Jianliang Gong, Bingang Xu*, and Xiaoming Tao, Three-Dimensionally Conformal Porous Microstructured Fabrics via Breath Figures: A Nature-Inspired Approach for Novel Surface Modification of Textiles, Sci. Rep., 2017, 7: 2354. 18) Jianliang Gong, Bingang Xu*, Xiaoming Tao, and Lei Li, Binary Breath Figures for Straightforward and Controllable Self-Assembly of Microspherical Caps, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2016, 18, 13629-13637. 19) Jianliang Gong, Bingang Xu*, and Xiaoming Tao, Aramid-Assisted Acid Spinning of Continuous Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Fibers for Twisted, Robust, and Multifunctional Yarns, Macromol. Mater. Eng., 2015, 300 (10): 954 - 959. 20) Jianliang Gong, Bingang Xu*, and Xiaoming Tao, Asphalt-Assisted Assembly of Breath Figures: A Robust Templating Strategy for General Fabrication of Ordered Porous Polymer Films, RSC Adv., 2015, 5: 14341 - 14344. 21) Jianliang Gong, Bingang Xu*, Xiaoming Tao, and Lei Li, Honeycomb Microstructured Silicon Oxycarbide Sheets from Silicon-Containing Graft Copolymer Films, Plasma Process. Polym., 2014, 11 (11): 1001 - 1009. 22) Jianliang Gong, Aijuan Zhang, Hua Bai, Qingkun Zhang, Can Du, Lei Li*, Yanzhen Hong, and Jun Li*, Formation of Nanoscale Networks: Selectively Swelling Amphiphilic Block Copolymers with CO2-Expanded Liquids, Nanoscale, 2013, 5: 1195 - 1204. ( IF=6.7 ) 23) Jianliang Gong, Lichao Sun, Yawen Zhong, Chunyin Ma, Lei Li*, Suyuan Xie, and Vladimir Svrcek, Fabrication of Multi-Level Carbon Nanotube Arrays with Adjustable Patterns, Nanoscale, 2012, 4: 278 - 283. ( IF=6.7 ) 24) Jianyun Ding, Jianliang Gong, Hua Bai, Lei Li*, Yawen Zhong, Zhi Ma, and Vladimir Svrcek, Constructing Honeycomb Micropatterns on Nonplanar Substrates with HighGlass Transition Temperature Polymers, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2012, 380: 99 - 104. ( IF=9.9 ) 25) Ping Lan, Jian Li, Jianliang Gong, and Lei Li*, Fabrication of Honeycomb Polymeric Films via Breath-figure Process under Methanol Atmosphere, Acta Chim. Sinica, 2012, 70 (1): 45 - 50. 26) Lei Li*, Yawen Zhong, Jianliang Gong, Jian Li, Jin Huang, and Zhi Ma, Fabrication of Robust Micro-Patterned Polymeric Films via Static Breath-Figure Process and Vulcanization, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2011, 354: 758 - 764. ( IF=9.9 ) 27) Lei Li*, Yawen Zhong, Jianliang Gong, Jian Li, Caikang Chen, Birong Zeng, and Zhi Ma*, Constructing Robust 3-Dimensionally Conformal Micropatterns: Vulcanization of Honeycomb Structured Polymeric Films, Soft Mater., 2011, 7: 546 - 552. 28) Chunyin Ma, Yawen Zhong, Jian Li, Caikang Chen, Jianliang Gong, Suyuan Xie*, Lei Li*, and Zhi Ma, Patterned Carbon Nanotubes with Adjustable Array: A Functional Breath Figure Approach, Chem. Mater., 2010, 22: 2367 - 2374. ( IF=8.6 ) 29) Lei Li*, Jian Li, Yawen Zhong, Caikang Chen, Yi Ben, Jianliang Gong, and Zhi Ma*, Formation of Ceramic Microstructures: Honeycomb Patterned Polymer Films as Structure-Directing Agent, J. Mater. Chem., 2010, 20: 5446 - 5453. 30) Lei Li*, Yawen Zhong, Jian Li, Jianliang Gong, Yi Ben, Jin Xu, Xiaping Chen, and Zhi Ma, Breath Figure Lithography: A Facile and Versatile Method for Micropatterning, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2010, 342: 192 - 197. ( IF=9.9 ) 联系方式: 地址:江西省南昌市高新开发区紫阳大道99号江西师范大学方荫楼3-1304-2室 E-mail: jlgong@jxnu.edu.cn或jianliang.gong@connect.polyu.hk |